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Class Manager

New Program for Dog Trainers

So, you want to have your website list your classes and allow people to register online? No problem - we have created a great new program that allows you to easily add classes, update them, close them when they are full. Each install is done by us, and is customized to your needs. Its only $100 for a limited time.

How does it work?

We install a database and admin interface and customize it to your specific needs - since no two dog trainers have the same system, why have the same registration? After you submit the form below, we will call you to gather all the information we need. Once the system is live, we will support this system for 30 days after we install it at no charge. We can even help incorporate your paypal account if you have one. Just fill out the following form to get started. Please wait 24-48 hours for us to contact you.

Your Name:
Your Email:
Your Phone Number:
Best time to call?